First Post!

Does everyone that makes a blog make a post titled “First Post!” or something similar with no point other than to be a post? Or do they just jump right in and start writing interesting content? Either way, you’ve probably figured out which way I went. This post has little point other than to serve as a starting point.

I recall a quote from the movie “Finding Forrester” where Sean Connery says something like “The key to writing is to write, not to think.”, so I’m taking that advice and just hitting the keys to see what I come up with. That’s not far from how this blog came into existence. I had a somewhat random thought while I was emailing my mom about a problem she was having with her computer that I wrote how I should create a blog, and post little technical articles about how to solve small but annoying computer related issues. I thought about calling it “”, because if I had a nickel for every little technical problem people ask me to solve I’d have… well… Probably a few dollars or so? Maybe? I wouldn’t be rich or anything. People don’t really ask me that many questions that can be solved with a blog post.

I have found that reading blogs about others experiences blogging has helped me quite a bit. There’s something a little strange about the idea of reading blogs about blogging to learn how to blog. How did blogging start if the main way to learn how is to read blogs? Did some celestial being will the first blogs about blogging into existence from nothing? That seems a little far fetched. I bet it started just like this post. Someone with no real expectations just started writing. They weren’t thinking about it. They just wrote for the sake of writing. Maybe that is like a celestial being willing a blog into existence.

2 thoughts on “First Post!

  1. Am I your first comment? 😀 Can you fix my computer? I don’t know what I did to it but it’s not working. 😏

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