Peppers – Day 15

The 5 sprouts that I saw yesterday were quite a bit bigger and more obvious today.  I think the method of draping the paper over the seeds has worked out pretty well.  While the 7-pot and reaper seeds haven’t sprouted yet, I think they’ve swollen up more than they did just sitting on the paper towel.  Covering them seems to have improved their ability to take in the moisture.  I’ll probably use this method again in the future.

The peppers continue to grow.  Some are faster than others, but I poked at the ones that haven’t really come up yet and they seem to be ok.  I guess they’re putting down more roots than they are putting up leaves.  I think this is the last set of pictures I’ll do from directly above the plants like this.  It’s hard to get a feel for how they’re progressing from this angle.  I’ll just post a handful of some of the more interesting plants in the future.

The herbs are doing just fine in the AeroGarden.  I still haven’t redone the dud pods.