Peppers – Day 22

I feel like I’m back in the “watching paint dry” stage of watching the peppers.  There’s not a lot of changes from day to day at the moment.  Maybe this weekend I’ll try to put some of these in pots. I’ve lost a few of the seedlings to mold.  Maybe I’ve been keeping things too

Peppers – Day 21

It’s been three weeks since I started, and some of these plants are getting to the point that they are probably ready to go into big pots and move outside.  I’ve been giving them some time in front of a fan to harden them off.  I’ll have to ease them into the bright sunlight slowly

Peppers – Day 19

The pepper plants are still growing.  I think I’ll set up a fan to circulate some air around them this weekend.  Simulating some wind will help prepare them for when they go outside. The perfect little plant still looks perfect. The parsley decided to grow!  I guess it’s good that I didn’t retask its pod.

Peppers – Day 18

It was a busy day, and I didn’t have time to take a lot of pictures.  So, these are just a few of the better looking plants. I still think this is maybe the most perfect little baby pepper plant ever.  I think it’s the way that the leaf on the right curls up that

Peppers – Day 17

It’s kind of nice taking a little time at the end of the day to fuss over these little plants.  They’re a lot more interesting now that they’re not just seeds with a root sticking out. This is a tiny little scotch bonnet pepper plant. This just seemed like the perfect little baby plant. The

Peppers – Day 16

Just a few pictures from the 16th day…  I can already start to differentiate some of the peppers.  Maybe I’ll be able to sort out the fresno and scorpion issues soon. I’m resisting the urge to eat the sweet basil. The siam queen basil is a little behind the sweet basil. The cilantro is pretty

Peppers – Day 15

The 5 sprouts that I saw yesterday were quite a bit bigger and more obvious today.  I think the method of draping the paper over the seeds has worked out pretty well.  While the 7-pot and reaper seeds haven’t sprouted yet, I think they’ve swollen up more than they did just sitting on the paper

Coffee Grounds as Potting Soil

I had the pleasure of hearing Norman Smith from Mass Audubon talk about his work with snowy owls at the International Festival of Owls this year.  One of the things he talked about was that anyone can do science, or help with science projects.  You don’t need to be an expert, you just have to