Peppers – Day 2

Day 2… No sprouts yet… Most of the things that I’ve read say they will take anywhere from 7 to 21 days to germinate if you keep them at a consistent 80-90 degree temperature.  For the next week or three, this is going to be a little like watching paint dry.  They say “patience” is


There’s a trio of ducks hanging out in a creek not too far away.  One of them is clearly a male mallard.  The darker one is maybe a swedish blue duck.  The other one is maybe a hybrid between the two.  He looks a little like a dark morphed mallard, if such a thing exists.

Peppers – Day 1

It’s been about 24 hours since I set these seeds to sprout, and they don’t look much different. I didn’t expect there to be any significant changes in just one day. I had a little mishap with them this morning.  Two actually…  Stargazer seems to think the tray would be a great place to curl

Plants and Procrastination

Every year in late November I start lying to myself about how this will be the year that I put some seeds to sprout in December or early January.  And every year around mid-June I sometimes manage to get around to it.  This year is different.  The Covid-19 situation has required me to mostly work