Peppers – Day 138

I harvested a few more peppers this morning.  The little red ones are the mystery peppers from the Chinese restaurant.  The purple ones are purple cayenne.  A few of the red ones are a little dried out.  I could have harvested them a little earlier but I’m sure they still pack a lot of heat

Peppers – Day 137

I harvested my first Fresno pepper 137 days after I set the seeds to germinate.  I had a couple of other Fresno peppers ripen to the point that they were ready to harvest a couple of weeks ago, but some critter  got to them before I did.  I’m not sure if it was a rabbit

Peppers – Day 100

I took a break from posting for the last few weeks.  The workload of my day job along with taking care of everything at home left me feeling pretty exhausted by the end of the day.  It was also getting to be a little boring posting essentially the same pictures every day.  There just wasn’t

Peppers – Day 75

I labeled both of these plants as gator jigsaw peppers, but they are obviously not the same variety.  The one on the right is almost certainly a purple cayenne.  Next time I do this, I need a better system for keeping track of everything.