Blogging and Negativity

I’ve been reading or watching a lot of blogs lately. I’m pretty new to this whole blogging thing, and I’m trying to figure out how to do it. I’ve noticed that some of the more popular blogs or YouTube channels, the ones with a ton of followers, tend to post a lot of negative stuff. I’m not entirely sure why that is, but apparently the internet likes to read or listen to other people complain. I can’t say I’m fond of this genre of content. Similarly, I’m not fond of the various reality cooking shows that feature an ill-mannered “expert” berating and insulting some hapless person or couple that are genuinely in need of help. I really just don’t find that entertaining.

I don’t imagine I’ll ever have many people read the stuff I post here. It’s not likely to appeal to an internet hungry to read about or see abusive behavior. I’d rather try to be constructive.

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