This is fine.

After wrestling with various Google Analytics and cookie notification plugins for longer than I care to admit, I think I finally have a mostly GDPR compliant site. You may have noticed the new banner thingy at the top of the page that says this site uses cookies and Google Analytics. I’ve gone to quite a


No. Nothing weird happened. The site has been up all the time. It wasn’t broken at all or anything. Why do you ask? You think I did something terrible with the GDPR plugins and broke the site so badly that Beth had to delete it and start me over with a fresh installation of WordPress?

Slowly but Surely

If you’re one of the 3ish people that know about this site, you might be wondering why I haven’t put up any more content yet. Well, I haven’t yet come to my senses and given up on the idea of having a blog. I’ve just gotten into the part that’s actual work. There’s a ton

Is that what I sound like?

I just got done writing up my “about” page and made my first post. After opening a new incognito window so I could see it from the perspective of an actual visitor to the site, I’d have to say I’m a little disappointed. I thought it would look better than it does. It seemed like

First Post!

Does everyone that makes a blog make a post titled “First Post!” or something similar with no point other than to be a post? Or do they just jump right in and start writing interesting content? Either way, you’ve probably figured out which way I went. This post has little point other than to serve